Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Leadership Unscripted: Health Means Business, and Other Lessons From the Pandemic
Dr. Jerome Adams, 20th Surgeon General of the United States, and Darden Professor Greg Fairchild discuss the mutual linkage between community health and economic prosperity in contemporary America, and the risks we face in failing to engage the business sector. They will also share anecdotes and reflections that help explain their deep commitments to encouraging action.
Dr. Adams is an anesthesiologist and a former vice admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps who served as the 20th Surgeon General of the United States from September 2017 until January 2021. Adams was the head of the Indiana State Department of Health prior to becoming Surgeon General. In addition to his recent COVID-19 work, Adams has partnered with and assisted organizations as they navigate the opioid epidemic, maternal health, rising rates of chronic disease, the impacts of rising suicide rates in our nation, and how businesses can become better stewards and stakeholders in promoting community health.